Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Few of the Reasons I am Homeschooling My Kids

This video has a few of the reasons I am going to homeschool my future kids. Its a very powerful movie. (I dont think it is young child safe so send them out of the room) (I could be wrong but better safe than sorry )

P.S. I totaly would have been a medicated kid if I was a public schooler haha!


Friday, October 29, 2010

Homemaking tip

Im back ;) I went to visit my parents last week and all of this week has been spent catching up on my housework (still not caught up lol). I'm amazed at how much work it takes to catch up on a week of doing nothing vs how easy it is to just do maintaining work.
So for the tip ... DRESS UP NICE! I have found that one thing that motivates me is to dress up nice, put on makeup and a nice clean frilly apron. For some reason when I look good I want the house to look good too ;)
If Im in jeans and a teeshirt I just want to lounge around and do nothing at all.
I wonder why that is ?
Anyway just wanted to let you all know I was back ;)
(and that I am going to start using the nickname my husband when I sign my posts) ;)

Peash (isnt it cute ;) )

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lazy me

Today was a very lazy day. I did absolutely nothing offline except cook ;) And so this is going to be a very short post lol ;)
I should work out but im still feeling lazy.
Here is the workout im not doing lol ;)

This girl is AMAZING! She puts up brand new workouts every other day along with tutorials on how to do them and food tips.
She is a personal trainer and I just think it is great that she shares this with us for free ;)

Well time to be lazy and watch the cheese documentary my husband put on lol!
Mrs. Bergstrom

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cleaning Up a Storm

Today the apartment manager is randomly inspecting apartments for insurance reasons which has me cleaning my bum off.
I know I dont really need to but for some reason every little speck of dirt and dust bunny seems to be looking at me saying "Haha you missed me you lazy housewife! Get a job!"
So I have been running around changing things around, washing the counter until the top comes off, doing my hair and make up, making the bed (which I never do) and putting jelly beans the the always empty candy dish (maybe I should put carrot sticks in there then it might stay full).
My husband has been shaking his head at me in disbelief all day because he thought the apartment was fine just the way it was. (He is right you know).
Oh well at least its like super clean now and im almost positive you could eat off the toilet (not that I ever would or have ever had the desire to though)
Sigh I wonder what it is in me that thinks my house has to be perfect when people come over. Most of my friends when I go over to their houses have far from perfectly clean living rooms and it dosnt bother me a bit! Oh well what ever it is I have an edge now because I know Im thinking it and besides my house is cleaner than a hospital so it dosnt really matter now anyways;)

Mrs. Bergstrom

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meal Plan

So I decided that I sould post up my meal plans for the week along with with recipes for them .
I hope this helps people because now you dont have to make one yourself ;) (unless your family hates my recipes lol ;) (this is only dinners because I only plan dinners)

Wen:Tomato soup and grilled cheese

Thur:Poor Mans Meal ( )

Fri:Mac and Cheese


Sun:Lions Favorite Hotdish ( )


Tue:Rice and Beans ( )

Hope you like ;) comment and let me know if you liked this so I know if I should keep doing it ;)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just plain fun ;)

Alright because I know I should post more that once a week and Ive been doing it about once a month I have decided just to post some fun videos today ;)

The comedian is my little brother and honestly I think his videos are AWESOME! (then again I might be biased lol )

I am only going to post two and they are kinda in the middle as far as awesomeness ;)
Go to his youtube account to see more if you like. (his name is not arnold btw )

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sewing Stuff

So in part because of my new sewing room (see last post) and in part because of the two below videos I have hit a sewing obsession!

I need to work a lot on my sewing skills because they are not very good yet lol! I have a lot of trouble with zippers.....

I also want to start making my own patterns because I LOVE old vintage dresses and outfits but it is so hard to find the patterns for them.

So I searched for things about sewing that would help me reach my goal and I found them ;)

First these two videos that lay out proper sewing steps in much better detail than least for a visual learner like myself.

Next I found this site that has links to making basic patterns and pattern drafting tutorials

Then I found a library of books with a great selection of pattern drafting books from the early part of the 20th century or so
Those are even downloadable in PDF format.
( I do not know why the links are not working right so sorry ...copy paste should work though)

And last but not least yet another pattern drafting book that looks very useful. You have to download the reader for it but if i remember correctly it is a free download like the book .
Well we shall see what the next few weeks hold as far as this goes...I dont have much fabric so it might be a little tricky to practice lol! Hope this was useful for someone ;)

Mrs. Bergstrom

Friday, October 1, 2010

Closet to Sewing Room

Today I decided to revamp my closet into a sewing room was quite messy. here are before photos to prove it ...

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

See quite gross and unorganized.

I took alot of things that didnt need to be in there and put them where they belonged and cleared off the floor. Next I placed a card table (honestly much to large but i couldnt get anything smaller.) in the back corner for my sewing machine.

Here are the after pictures.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Much better dont you think?

Well I have to go clean up after some house guests we have this week... thanks for reading ;)


Mrs. Bergstrom

Monday, September 13, 2010

Cool contest

Cool contest...nuf said go to the link!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Kitchen Staples

So I have moved into my new apartment at last! I have been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning! (its my husbands and roommates former bacholor pad so what do you expect haha) I have found that men soap scum and hair seem to go together ...o.0.

When cleaning the kitchen I found that not only was it sadly unorganized and set up backwards to what it should be (measuring cups in one section, mixing bowls in another and the few baking supplys in the third...) it was also extremely under stocked.

So I took it upon myself to restock this pathetic excuse of a kitchen so i could use it to make healthyer food than hamburger helper. But for some reason my mind when completly blank as to what the absolute bare bones are to what you need in the kitchen for food staples!

So after searching around the web, crying a little and banging my head on the wall....sorry neighbors i forgot you were there...I came across this web site... (copy and paste)

Quite a good list honestly. It leaves out a few things and i know that i will still forget something on my shopping list but hey this gives a very good outline to go by.

Well back on to cleaning, think Ill get the whole house done by the time my husband comes home? I say most likely not haha!

Yours Always,

Mrs. Bergstrom

Friday, June 4, 2010


Dude! Yes I know I have already posted today but I have come across an amazing resource! A site that has free PDF downloads of a TON of early 20th century books and earlier! The subjects range from cooking to metallurgy and anything in between! For anyone looking for Victorian stuff this looks GREAT! I am downloading a few myself to read on food preservation and cooking. Cant wait to see if I can use any of this ;) Im so excited!


P.S. Here is the link but you can just click the post title too if you havent figured that out yet lol,29978.0.html

Found a contest

it ends tonight but this contest is for some really interesting DVDs about homemaking things. I really would like to watch them so I could review them in more detail so if I don't win I might just see about getting one or two anyways.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ava Bridal Review

My wedding dress came a few days ago. I cant post up any pictures yet because I don't want to take the chance the groom will see it lol! I bought it from a place called Ava Bridal and all in all I was pleased with the service. They didn't send me form letters when I had questions, they answered them personally. The dress fit me perfectly and seems to be well made. And the price was extremely reasonable...I think i payed less than $300 for my dress and veil. The only down side was it took a while to get here and they forgot to send me a notice of shipping so i was panicking a little lol!I cant wait to wear it and see if the groom likes it ;) Thank you Ava Bridal!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Begining

Hi! I would like to introduce myself and state my purpose in creating "Violets are Blue".
My name is Ashley. I am a homeschool graduate who is about to be married. I have worked at schools, camps, kitchens and in my own childhood home with my 7 younger siblings for years.
My purpose in creating "Violets are Blue" is to share my experences as a young housewife and to share tips and helpful products and links. I would also like to connect with other housewives.
This post is a bit stiff but I promise you that after a few I will most likely loosen up lol!
Note that at this point I am not a housewife. I get married on the 22nd of May but i will not have a real house/apartment until August.
I hope I will be able to be useful to someone though this endevor ;)

Thanks for reading this extreamly boring post haha,