Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sewing Stuff

So in part because of my new sewing room (see last post) and in part because of the two below videos I have hit a sewing obsession!

I need to work a lot on my sewing skills because they are not very good yet lol! I have a lot of trouble with zippers.....

I also want to start making my own patterns because I LOVE old vintage dresses and outfits but it is so hard to find the patterns for them.

So I searched for things about sewing that would help me reach my goal and I found them ;)

First these two videos that lay out proper sewing steps in much better detail than least for a visual learner like myself.

Next I found this site that has links to making basic patterns and pattern drafting tutorials

Then I found a library of books with a great selection of pattern drafting books from the early part of the 20th century or so
Those are even downloadable in PDF format.
( I do not know why the links are not working right so sorry ...copy paste should work though)

And last but not least yet another pattern drafting book that looks very useful. You have to download the reader for it but if i remember correctly it is a free download like the book .
Well we shall see what the next few weeks hold as far as this goes...I dont have much fabric so it might be a little tricky to practice lol! Hope this was useful for someone ;)

Mrs. Bergstrom


  1. loved those videos. i have been sewing for a while.. but much of it was self-taught. thanks for this.
    i found you at raising homemakers link-up.

  2. your welcome im glad you liked it ;) thank you for commenting ;)

  3. The videos are awesome. I learned so much. They are very practical. What can I say? A picture's worth a thousand words ...

  4. Those are great videos!
    BTW if you are looking for vintage patterns, the Dress A Day blog has several companies specializing in them on the sidebar (and some even have a 10% off special).

  5. oo thank you for that tip ! Im going to just have to check them out ;)
