Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Begining

Hi! I would like to introduce myself and state my purpose in creating "Violets are Blue".
My name is Ashley. I am a homeschool graduate who is about to be married. I have worked at schools, camps, kitchens and in my own childhood home with my 7 younger siblings for years.
My purpose in creating "Violets are Blue" is to share my experences as a young housewife and to share tips and helpful products and links. I would also like to connect with other housewives.
This post is a bit stiff but I promise you that after a few I will most likely loosen up lol!
Note that at this point I am not a housewife. I get married on the 22nd of May but i will not have a real house/apartment until August.
I hope I will be able to be useful to someone though this endevor ;)

Thanks for reading this extreamly boring post haha,


  1. That was not boring, now I know a bit about you. I found your link on the Homemaking website & there was nothing on your profile to tell me about you. Nice to "meet" you!

  2. thank you for not thinking it was boring ;) nice to "meet" you too ;)
